The first ever digital vehicle mechanic available 24/7 just a text message away
Ratchet works with your favorite messaging app. Just send a SMS to get started. Give it some info about your car, the problem you're having and see Ratchet get to work.
Want to show it a scratch or a missing part? Take a high res picture and send it along with your question. Get the info and help you need right away.
Get peace of mind in minutes with Ratchet's AI powered diagnosis engine. Interact with Ratchet through a series of questions and answers to get to the most likely problem.
Ratchet can diagnose common issues in most cars model year 2022 and older with >90% accuracy. Specialty cars and problems will still require a pro.
At Ratchet, we believe in giving customers the ultimate flex - knowledge. Ratchet's diagnosis engine is constantly learning and being updated to provide better quality results and answers to users like you.
With in-depth diagnosis and cost estimates just an SMS away, you'll always feel confident with your next car repair.
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